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  • Rants&Raves - The steak knives are the best!

    The steak knives are the best part of this set. They are indestructible. I use them to open boxes, scrape up random stuff and for food. I bought this set many years ago and wanted a replacement for years. I was so excited to find that Amazon carries them!

  • maewgirl - Great Stuff!

    This stuff is pricey, but amazing. I was diagnosed with Lichen Schlerosus and had a horrible flare. This was the ONLY cream that made me feel better. HOWEVER, i later found out it was not LS, but a horrible, longstanding yeast infection that had never been diagnosed properly. Nevertheless, this ointment made it feel instantly better, and began the healing process after I went through excruciating pain.

  • Lily Chang - Great guide to meditation practice!

    I have been meditating my whole life & my friends always wanted to know how I did it. How I stayed so calm with everything. I bought this book for my close friend & he's a changed man. I've never seen him so calm & relaxed. He doesn't stress anymore. We all meditate in our own way but this book is great for showing you how to start the process. I couldn't be happier with the end result. Very contented. Thanks Gary Owens.

  • STPAL - Great!

    Not only do you get ginseng, but you get royal jelly as well. What's not to love. I've noticed the mental benefits from these during my use over the last couple of weeks, and the price is just right.

  • Barbara McKinney - Excellent!

    I am so bless to have this book in my hands. Thank God for Dr. Llaila Afrika. My health is getting better.