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  • Lepene - excellent outlook

    The cd came within 3 days and I was able to download the Windows Outlook 2010 (2pc's & 1 user) on my desk top & laptop with no problem. I was able to contact microsoft for help in transfering my contacts & files on my desk top. I still have a few things I am working on but it was well worth it.

  • Amazon Customer - worked fine. About six weeks later

    Ordered a set of 3 for wallet, tablet, and keys. Tested each one; worked fine. About six weeks later, I misplaced my purse and wallet: real-life testing time. Opened app, made sure Bluetooth was turned on, pressed button, all I got was "Searching..." Then I found the wallet and lined it up with the keys and tablet: it couldn't locate any of them! The last known location it showed for the wallet was the airport where I'd been five days earlier; the other two showed my home location on the "last known" map, but would not beep. So either we have catastrophic battery failure on three devices after SIX WEEKS, or this is just a piece of junk. I'm getting a Tile, which has worked well for my husband.

  • Anthony T. Milazzo - An insider on the alt-right

    Robson's penetration into Jones's organization is limited but they go back before his rise to fame, so his perspective is unique.

  • Amazon Customer - not that great

    This should have been promoted as a stand alone ghostbusters movie. the only similarity between the orig and this one is the cameo's by orig cast (Murray as de-bunker, Akroyd as taxi driver, and the other guy as the Uncle in the last scene). It was funny on its own, and best watched if you've never seen a GB movie.

  • Amazon Customer - Not the Strunk & White edition

    I was disappointed to find out only after purchasing the book that this Kindle edition of The Elements of Style is not the one that was revised by E. B. White.

  • Sara E. - Finally! Something that works!

    I got really sick a few years back and my hair fell out in clumps after surgery and never grew back as thick again. I tried many products (shampoos/vitamins/home remedies) and nothing worked. My mother suggested this product and after only one bottle I have seen a drastic difference.