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  • Kindle Customer - Great for charging up your devices.

    I have been very happy with it. It does a good job of recharging all my stuff. Great product for the price. Only thing I don't like about it is the glowing blue light. Wish there was a way to turn it off since I use it in my bedroom.

  • Suewithcookielee - A fun read. Looking forward to the next one

    A fun read. Looking forward to the next one! Secondary characters were flat - but the protagonist was actually very interesting, as was the friend she found in space. Loved that relationship! Both of those characters were well-developed sometimes funny and definitely and fallible. One wonders why all the rest were so uninteresting... they weren't characters at all, but caricatures of the typical "space crew." The love-interest was laughable. It's like the whole book was written and the editor said, "Hey, you need to add a love interest." That character was a blithering idiot, but the writer kept trying to convince the reader that he was somehow brilliant. I know this because Wells kept using the words "he's brilliant." Here's a hint... if you want readers to believe a character is brilliant... have him or her do something that's actually a step above blithering.

  • Kathleen Hegeman - Best product for putting together a publication

    Great product for putting together a publication. Much easier to use than just using Microsoft Word. My teenagers were getting frustrated trying to do creative school projects and articles on Microsoft Word, so we purchased them Publisher. They find it much more user friendly and for those projects. It also provides many more creative options.

  • Chidi - This game was absolutely horrible. Seemed like a pirated version of the real ...

    This game was absolutely horrible. Seemed like a pirated version of the real game. The gameplay was extremely annoying to say the least. I definitely regret this purchase