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  • Robbie - Take one tab daily

    I've found taking one tablet daily is helpful to keep bladder infections at bay. Used to buy at Walmart, but half the time they were out necessitating another trip. They were also rude when asked about it.

  • Mark - Complete garbage! Cannot get it even activated for the subscription

    Complete garbage! Cannot get it even activated for the subscription.Then, I realized it messed up the NAS network device setting and blocked certain devices. Many hours later and getting no help from the so-called customer service, I uninstalled the garbage and moved on.

  • Val07 - It works!!!!

    It works!!! I've taken off and on several times over the past few years. It gives you tons of energy and curbs your appetite. Drink lots of water and light exercise! I've lost 25 pounds in 6 weeks!! Best product I've found! It's definitely worth trying even if you just need a little energy boost!

  • Stan - Wow.

    The results I had with this product overy even the first week or so have bee amazing. I started with using this, in combination with the waist trimmer, and just added the Kutting Weight tee and short.

  • JenInTheDMV - Clever and Useful!

    What a clever invention! The TubShroom works exactly as promised. It's much easier to clean (and far less icky) than the mesh tub strainer I had. It also needs emptying less frequently because of the way the hair settles to the bottom of the cylinder. Water can still flow through the holes on the top part of the cylinder (under the cap) with ease. This does not mean that it traps less hair, in fact, the TubShroom seems to trap more hair than the mesh tub strainer.

  • jim tapper - pac 12 is harder to get then drugs

    terrible..this channel is so hard to get.this whole thing with directv is a joke and the customer is who suffers.