
National Cultrue Fund (NCF) - A people’s programme to replenish Indian Culture - National Culture Fund, Ongoing Projects of NCF, GOvt. of India, Ministry of Human Resource and Development, New Delhi

Country:, Asia, IN

City: 77.0167 Rajasthan, India

  • Zhu Yiting - effective

    It is effective. I thought I had UTI one day and did not want to see a doctor, so I bought this at Walgreens to give it a try, and it worked! The symptom was gone in two days, but probably because it was not that serious at first. I bought three more here an decided to keep taking it.

  • Johnny ballgame - Growing pains of a small company

    At first I liked this mouse but after sending one back for issues and getting the summer edition I felt let down. Currently using an FK2 and there's no comparison. Final mouse will no doubt get better and better but for now get an FK2!!!