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  • Linda M. - Excellent

    My husband uses this book like a Bible.Whenever a family member is going to buy this or that my husband has to look it up in his Consumers Reports book first.

  • Paisley - Bought for my dad

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  • C. jacobs - great!!!!

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  • Doug Cornelius - Big Data = Big Problems

    With big data, comes formulas to parse through the data trying to make sense of it. Those algorithms can help make sense of the data and help filter through the noise to find trends. But those algorithms can also be easily misused and have harmful, if unintended consequences. Cathy O’Neil explores these problems in Weapons of Math Destruction.


    WASTE OF MONEY AND DOES NOT WORK! I stopped smoking a month prior to my hair follicle test, used this product, along with a month long 1hr 1/2 process EVERY NIGHT of baking soda, vinegar, tide, nexxus aloe rid, 2% astring., etc. Also, bought the OTHER two step, one bottle Ultra Klean and used that day of test, with all other steps and STILL did not pass. I spent about $300 in product to clean my hair, got it cut AND dyed it. WASTE OF MONEY, DO NOT BUY!!!

  • Bonnie - I only use sporadically, so I really can't review ...

    I only use sporadically, so I really can't review. The downside is it darkens your gray. I say downside because I'm growing my grey out, and want to see my grays.