www.nashvillewomenscenter.com Review:

The Women's Center - Abortion, Patient Education, and Gynecological Services - The Women's Center, PC, is a clinic in Nashville, TN offering abortion, patient education, and routine gynecological services to women of all ages.

Country:, North America, US

City: -97.822 , United States

  • MBDA Michael Burns - Great inexpensive camera

    Great inexpensive camera. No need for a high dollar camera. This has easy setup. Great app for the phone. I read bad reviews, but have had no problem with the setup or operation.

  • Yotoy - LCD digits not working

    It was nice while it worked, but a few weeks after owning it, the digits on the temperature started messing up. So the thing is pretty useless. Don't like to buy things again. It should have lasted at least a year. It sits on my bookshelf never moved or touched.

  • Kane - Don't Buy

    Good luck winding the coil on the paper toilet roll.....it is extremely difficult for an adult and impossible for most small children. I tossed in the garbage halfway (about 40minutes) in winding the coil, only to half that part "spring" out and kink as soon as my finger slipped off it once.

  • Katrina P. - Not perfect, but better than crutches

    I've had a stress fracture in my 2nd metatarsal since June, and because I walk 2+ miles a day to get to/from work, it hasn't healed. My doctor decided in mid-October to upgrade me from a walking boot to a cast and after one day on crutches, I realized I wouldn't survive the 4 1/2 weeks if that was my only option. I've been using the iWALK2.0 for two weeks, so I feel like I can have a fairly thorough review of it. I'm going to start by addressing some of the complaints from other reviews.

  • chrissy - Be careful and be warned

    I did not buy this from amazon, but at walmart. But still, it did work great for my hair. I used to always pull a wad of hair out of my brush every time I brushed my hair, I dont even know how I had any hair left on my head after all the hair that would come out on my brush every day. After about 6 weeks of taking a daily 10,000mcg pill there was hardly any hair coming out on the brush, it was great! HOWEVER!! that was about 10 months ago. 5 months ago I felt a lump on my breast so I went for a mamagram and it turned out to be just a benign fluid filled cyst (thankfully) but now this cyst has surfaced into an angry painful infected cyst. I went back to the doctor and had a breast exam and she says I also have a left polycystic breast. I've never had a cyst before in my life and my yearly mamagrams have never shown cysts before either. Then I remembered reading some reviews about biotin and how some people had been getting cycsts after taking it. Mabey its a coincidence, but I will never take it again. So its up to you. I'm just giving a heads up on what seems to be a side effect for some people. Just for your own info.