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  • Amazon Customer - Loved The Talking Flashlight

    This was honest from beginning to end and meant for intelligent, fun ENTERTAINMENT. Doty is as talented as anyone in Hollywood and just needs one door to open with that brass ring inside. Ghosts this week -- Bernie's 1977 trip to the USSR for his next project. Loyd Aurbach was the talking head from that Mensa Club you hear about. He's The Man in psi knowledge. My favorite natural talent of the doc was the beautiful and gifted quirkmeister, Angela. Great job guys! I expect ever higher peaks of quality in your future projects.

  • kanu - The Most Interesting Record of Details and Events

    How big is the world’s biggest sausage? Who was the first man to use a toilet in space? How many plates can one man eat? Which shark has the most interesting stomach contents? “Who cares,” is what most people would say. However, that does not prove to be the case for me. The Guinness World Records Book of 2013 contains many facts that would shock and entertain nearly any kid as they grow up which is why I only recommend it for kids. Adults would simply look at this book and have the reaction the very same reaction I told you most people would have. The book itself preserves facts in an organized and structural way that allows readers to find the topic most relatable to their interests and explore the amazing feats completed in that subject area. As a kid, I remember enjoying the Guinness book of world records we had. It's simply amazing to find out ridiculous obsessions some people have, or bizarre things people do as you read on about dreams and laughter built into the pages. In addition, it delivers information about astonishing stunts, the longest bridge, the tallest man and much more. This book not only discovers amazing people in the world, but also provides hours of pure fun-filled enjoyment. The book itself does not contain information relevant to adults because most of the book is not filled with facts that would be essential for everyday use, but instead it is loaded with plenty of facts, events, and people that are interesting. Overall, this book would receive a 4 out of 5 and a recommendation for kids aged 9-13. This book of world records is actually just a book of non-essential interesting facts.

  • Amazon Customer - I choose this particular color to help showcase my "Jet Black" phone but the sides are not as clear like it appears in this pict

    It seems to be a well made case and will definitely protect your phone. However, I choose this particular color to help showcase my "Jet Black" phone but the sides are not as clear like it appears in this picture. In my opinion, it looks like it is frosted ( best way i can describe it in words) and i find it a bit tacky with my phone. I will be ordering the black version so see which i like better on my phone.

  • Mister Ed - Great Product -- CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR

    I have been using this product for a year after switching from GNC's niacin (B3). GNC's product was good, but very expensive. I no longer experience the "Niacin Flush" that people are complaining about.