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  • Wendi W. - work well

    These are great. I give them to my kids (10 & 3) during the fall and winter months and it prevents lots of colds from previous years. My son has been taking them since he was about 1 1/2 (hes 3 now) and he takes 1 a day. My daughter is a very small 10 (50lbs) and she takes 2. I'm really happy with these and will continue buying them.

  • Brady - F1 is better than the book

    Just hit your F1 key if you're a 'figure-it-out' kinda guy like me. I bought this thinking I'd have a very critical tool in my belt at work. The explanations are easy to go through if you like to scan an index, then search by page number. It refers to the CD-ROM a lot, as if I actually use my CD drive and refer to these as "CD-ROMs".