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Country:, Europe, AT

City: 16.3667 , Austria

  • robert a - moms jeep

    well bought this along with my dvd screen because my moms jeep needed repair and couldnt afford to repair it so i picked it up for her when i unboxed it it looked fantastic just like the original in every way nice soft seal on it installation was a piece of cake 2 screws and a plug so far it has not had a problem

  • Scooter1968 - A bit disappointed in this Timbuk 2 bag.

    It's a good bag, not great, however. The fastening devices aren't easy to get on and off with anything aside from a modern, thin laptop inside. A bit disappointed in how the strap's already twisting inside the shoulder pad when I put it on and take it off. But love the compartments. This is definitely a large bag (which I ordered this way). May be too big for some smaller folks.

  • Varmit8 - As a former Norton and McAfee user

    This my second purchase of Kaspersky Internet Security and I have no complaints or problems. I will not buy Norton or McAfee again because both allowed 30 plus viruses and Malware to wreak my computer to the point a Microsoft Technical person recommended I switch to Kaspersky's. Enough said!

  • Nemesis - Wrong Part?

    Maybe I just got a bad apple. These did NOT fit my 2010 Tacoma, and it wasn't close. The molding was all wrong. The box had been opened and resealed, barely, so maybe they got switched somehow. Anyway this was disappointing.

  • Adam L. Treadway - Most AMAZING HDMI cable ever!

    It's two way input comes with an undocumented feature. I bought this cable and took it with me to a hotel room with my laptop. Plugged one end into my laptop and the other into the TV, thinking I'd watch a few movies before I had to continue on with my crippled excuse for a life.

  • Amazon Customer - Keeps your kids entertained

    Son loves this game it keeps him involved and busy when on road trips the building aspect of the game is very cool.

  • Brian Lev - I'm Just Here for the Spectacle, Ma'am...

    Let's be honest: the science is poppycock (e.g., neutrinos from the sun are suddenly "acting like microwaves" but ONLY the earth's core is affected?), and the storyline (by now well know) is pretty easily guessed in advance. I'd already seen this film before and watched it again purely for the amazing spectacle of all the special effects and disaster sequences. A fun, very silly romp that has slow parts easily fast-forwarded through to without hurting things too much. :-)