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  • Suzanne Michalski - A must have for Wiccans and pagans! Be warned ...

    A must have for Wiccans and pagans! Be warned, Mercury is going to be in retrograde for extended periods several times next year...

  • Amazon Customer - This little antenna works great. It is short enough that I do not ...

    This little antenna works great. It is short enough that I do not have to worry about it breaking off when using my garage. I wonder why Chevrolet did not think of this?

  • D. C. Froemke - Quite the opposite of random when viewed globally

    At first, I was overjoyed when I received my copy of this book. However, when an enemy in my department showed me HER copy, I found that they were the OPPOSITE of random - they were IDENTICAL.

  • SanDiegoMom - ABSOLUTE LIFE SAVER - Tummy troubles gone in less than a day.

    This was by far the best formula I found and apparently the best kept secret around. I could not breastfeed, and my child would not drink powered formula. All other ready mades gave him gas or crying fits. Alimentum cured his tummy trouble with the first bottle and was an absolute life saver. I found it when he was about 2 months old and all issues completely stopped since. He transitioned at 12/13 months to whole milk very easily. I now have a very healthy and actually quite large 18 month old. A year on Alimentum seemed to do nothing but good things for him. The only down side is the cost (why I've rated it 4 stars versus 5 (or 10)) and difficulty to find. As far as I could find it is only available at Babies R Us, Target, Walmart and Amazon in my area. It is often sold out because it is not heavily stocked. BRUS and Target have it at about $12 a bottle, Walmart and Amazon are a lot less. If you can stand up to $12 a day for formula then get this stuff!!!!

  • Amazon Addict - Make your tap water safe

    This stuff smells but does wonders for the water in your aquarium. I use it to make my tap water ready for aquarium use. It takes the chlorine and impurities out of your tap water which are harmful for you aquarium inhabitants. Works great for setting up new aquariums.

  • mae29 - SO quiet, like a baby sleeping...

    Good fit for wide noses that need to be opened for a quiet night's sleep. Strips do not peel up with perspiration nor do they leave the skin raw upon removal. Wearer thinks he sleeps more soundly while wearing Breathe Right.

  • C. Crabtree - WONDERFUL!! Best sleep in ages!

    My husband and I have these Purple beds. We placed it on the base of our previous adjustable beds, and it works perfectly. We LOVE these beds. I am now able to sleep on my side without my hips or shoulders hurting and waking me up. They stay cool and never reflect back the heat like our previous Temperpedic beds did. Since you have a full 100 days to try it and if you don't like it, it is a full money back guarantee, there is nothing to lose. I wondered how they would handle that, but their website says that since it wouldn't be possible for you to repackage it in that original purple roll, they give you back your money and arrange for a charity in your local area to come pick up the bed. I HIGHLY recommend this bed. (And no, I don't work for the company, and I am not paid to say this! I just love the bed.) (Oh, by the way. If you happen to see some of the "self produced" people posting videos on You Tube telling you how to open and set up the bed, most I've seen are just plain BAD. First of all, it comes with INSTRUCTIONS. It has a special opener which slits the tube in about 2 seconds. Some people made it look impossibly hard to do. I am 72 and my husband is 66. We did these all by ourselves. Each Twin XL weighed 75lbs. We just used the handles and brought it into the bedroom. Lifted it onto the bed, and unrolled it. Simple. Don't be fooled by some of the videos on You Tube making it look hard or almost impossible.) (I am not a "verified purchaser" because I bought these twinXL directly from the company. But I really have no reason to lie about what I've said. Here is a portion of the email they sent me.