drogariaamadeus.wordpress.com Review:

Drogaria Amadeus: Edição Diária | Blog da Drogaria Amadeus, lugar para se ler e aprender muito sobre saúde, remédios e todas as coisas relacionadas. - Blog da Drogaria Amadeus, lugar para se ler e aprender muito sobre saúde, remédios e todas as coisas relacionadas.

  • https://drogariaamadeus.wordpress.com/2012/11/07/uso-racional-de-medicamentos/ Uso Racional de Medicamentos | Drogaria Amadeus: Edição Diária -         Não é a toa que é retomada pela mídia os assuntos referentes ao usoindiscriminado de anabolizantes, emagracedores e pílulas anticoncepcionais deemergência, em casos que atormentam a sociedade e os profissionais desaúde, chegando tais medicamentos a serem protegidos pelo governo com aforça da lei cada vez mais rígida. De acordo com a…
  • https://drogariaamadeus.wordpress.com/2012/10/30/sou-diabetico-e-agora/ Sou diabético, e agora? | Drogaria Amadeus: Edição Diária -          A diabetes ocorre quando o nível de glicose (açúcar) no sangue fica muito alto. A glicose é o combustível que as células do corpo usam para obter energia. O diabetes ocorre quando não há produção suficiente de insulina por um órgão chamado pâncreas ou porque o corpo se torna menos sensível…
  • https://drogariaamadeus.wordpress.com/2012/09/21/importancia-dos-acidos-graxos-omega-3-e-omega-6-na-saude-humana/ IMPORTÂNCIA DOS ÁCIDOS GRAXOS OMEGA 3 E OMEGA 6 NA SAÚDE HUMANA | Drogaria Amadeus: Edição Diária -           O ser humano vem modificando seu hábito alimentar à medida que as gerações vão passando. Em vista da evolução industrial observada no século XX, a emergência de alimentos processados levou a uma grande mudança na dieta humana. Antes a natureza disponibilizava de forma natural para seu consumo, alimentos com relações equilibradas de nutrientes, a partir…
  • https://drogariaamadeus.wordpress.com/2012/08/30/cosmeticos-organicos-vale-a-pena-conhece-los/ COSMÉTICOS ORGÂNICOS: VALE A PENA CONHECÊ-LOS. | Drogaria Amadeus: Edição Diária -         Mais do que apenas um produto natural, os cosméticos orgânicos traduzem um novo estilo de vida. Tanto pela qualidade no cultivo das matérias-primas que os compõem, quanto pela cadeia de produção no qual estão inseridos. A preocupação ambiental está no topo de tudo e se faz necessário assegurar o manejo sustentável dos recursos naturais…
  • https://drogariaamadeus.wordpress.com/2012/08/22/creatina/ Creatina | Drogaria Amadeus: Edição Diária - A Creatina é um dos suplementos mais consumidos no mundo,causando com isso muitas duvidas entre vários atletas. Diferente da maioria dos suplementos usado pelos atletas,a creatina não é vitamina,mineral,erva ou hormônio.A creatina é uma substancia produzida pelo próprio corpo através da composição de três aminoácidos (Glicina+arginina+metionina) onde os mesmo são sintetizados pelo fígado e pelo…
  • https://drogariaamadeus.wordpress.com/2012/08/09/medicamentos-que-afetam-resultados-de-exames-laboratoriais-3/ MEDICAMENTOS QUE AFETAM RESULTADOS DE EXAMES LABORATÓRIAIS | Drogaria Amadeus: Edição Diária - Os exames laboratoriais podem ser utilizados para diversas finalidades. Eles fornecem resultados que devem ser interpretados concomitantes com os problemas identificados na avaliação clínica do paciente. Assim, o médico poderá tomar uma decisão clínica confirmando ou excluindo um diagnóstico e definindo o tratamento ideal, além de poderem ser úteis para o controle clínico e terapêutico…

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  • Cat Lover - Fantastic for hardwoods and area rugs!

    I purchased this mainly for my hardwoods and area rugs. It is by far the best cordless vacuum I have ever had. This picks up cat hair and everything else wonderfully! It does a very good job on our area rugs as well. It doesn't work as great on our plush rugs, as it leaves piles of the cat hair behind on the top of the rug (although to be fair it does suck up a good amount). I still prefer my Dyson for those. However, for what I purchased it for (the hardwoods) I could not be happier. It gets dried cat food crumbs up as well as fine dirt particles and Cheerios. The battery life is not great (about 12-15min), and for the price I think it should have come with two. I would be more inclined to purchase another battery if the price were closer to 25.00 instead of 60.00. So if you are like me with pets and a baby crawling on your tile and hardwoods, I think this is still worth the money. I love that I don't have to go over and over the floor. If you are thinking about getting this for plush carpeting or to do your whole house, I might not recommend it unless you plan on purchasing a second battery (but the the total investment you might as well get a more substantial vacuum). Having said all of that, this is still the best cordless vacuum I have yet to purchase. Unlike other reviewers I have not had a problem with the battery connection as of yet.

  • Glenn Graham - Best price found for LiveSafe 2015

    Best discount found for this product. Because I have machines running Windows Vista, I couldn't go to LiveSafe 2016. And after contacting McAfee support, they provided instructions on how to add a new serial key to an existing installation, so that the product doesn't have to be reinstalled on each machine.

  • Geoffrey Hunter - Simple Daily Weight Loss and Detox

    I have had great weight loss since using this product. As for the cramps it may be because the tea is really working to cleanse your body of all the toxins and other harmful products in many foods that we eat. After the first couple of days it should really feel soothing on your stomach along with your meals.

  • Mel D. - Great cleaner. Just try it!

    This cleaner is awesome. Use undiluted on kitchen floor tile grout and the grime/ stain comes right off. Amazing. I use it diluted all over the house. Melted the black hand grime off of my son's door frame that I had tried several times to scrub off.

  • Mike - Happy Mats....

    Very well made and fit very well. The only negative is the mats are made from more of a plastic type material, (shiny and slicker) than pure rubber, Because of this, they will probably stay newer looking for a longer time, and will probably resist staining and mud sticking to them better. Overall, I am very pleased, just had some notion that they would be more old style rubber mats like the Ford bed mat that purchased from Ford at purchase. Amazon is a much better place to shop than your local Ford dealership, however. Happy Happy Happy....

  • P Nelly - light helmet, solid protection

    So I've bounced around helmet brands for quite a while now. I started with a Bell, graduated to a Limar, and came to this, my current helmet, from a Lazer. Luckily I didn't fall prey to any major accidents throughout my biking history (knock on wood), so everytime i switched it was for comfort/ease.

  • linda fredericks - Great Program!

    This program really changed my life in a good way. I tried it just to cleanse the internal organs and replenish my body, but to my surprise I also learned that I had some food allergies never known to me before. I also learned alot about how heavily salted just about everything is that we eat. I also lost 8 pounds as a bonus! I would recommend this program to anyone...thin or heavy, old or young. It is a great way to get back to eating basic, wholesome foods and feeling great.