duranon.comdomain.com Review:
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adorable! its very small (think the size of a teddy bear head.) but perfect for a baby. Its lightly curved meaning you can do the recommended "back to sleep" while no longer worrying about the flat head that is coming with that safety. I gave this as a baby shower gift and they were very happy with it. Saying how unique it was and that they were excited to have it. Something they didn't think to add to their registry
Who wants this anyways? I bought this because my parents forced me to during summer vacation so that I wouldn't forget Geometry even though I am taking advanced computer science over the summer for college credit. You will not need to buy this book because usually you take geometry for ONE YEAR it is just stupid things, basically all algebra. If anything, buy an algebra textbook or something because all of the stuff in this book I all ready knew. So there is no need to buy it for your kid. On the other hand if you are an old parent or something and want to learn some basic math this would be a descent book to purchase, but still buy some of the algebra books anyway because they have more things to learn.
Replaced an older version. Has been nothing but trouble. Required we change password and then it forgot the change. In the process lost a year of transactions. Then it decided it didn't like the second password. Overpriced software; and then they charge you to fix it, when it malfunctions. Back it up every time. When you restore from backup, it deletes more recent entries, so you loose data to recover data.
I have used Print Master for more than 10 years and upgraded a number of versions and they have completely ruined the product with the 2012 Platinum. It doesn't have nearly the capabilities as even the earliest versions. I have uninstalled this version and reinstalled the older Print Master 16.
I love reading these mainly fact and little fiction to add to the story. This is a great read and so much historical Scotland descriptions. You learn more about the Jacobite and Williamite causes too. Their is a love story with sex in there too, but it takes a backdrop to the political shenanigans and violence that the Redcoats due to the Highlanders.