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  • boomer - All good CD included isn't helpful.

    This is a book that is well done. I haven't taken the test yet but I know it has helped prepare me In a way that nothing else could have. Not sure how it compares to other GRE study books, but I enjoy the practice tests. The online content cd it comes with is not helpful at all.

  • S.D. - We'd used the cheap ones but the strings kept moving and they broke easily. This racket makes the game fun to play ...

    My son is on the badminton team for high school and is enjoying the quality racket. We'd used the cheap ones but the strings kept moving and they broke easily. This racket makes the game fun to play because they have held up to multiple games.

  • Amazon Customer - Great stereo if you just follow the instructions.

    Once i got the prpoer wiring adapter and mount it popped right into my 04 escape and several minutes reading the manual and going thru setup this sounds GREAT! I stayed with the stock speakers and tweaked the EQ a bit. The handsfree mic pics up everything. My wife says she cant tell the difference from her end. GPS directions from my fone come over the car spkrs and mute the radio. Calss mute the radio. Pandora works flawlessly. My ipod works perfectly.

  • Austin Durant - Great concept, expect a learning curve

    I was excited when I first learned about the squatting concept and Squatty Potty, and opted for this entry-level model (molded plastic) to try it out. I've owned about a month now.

  • Nadine Reece - HoHoHo

    What's not to love? My boys can't wait to open each of these small projects every day! This is our second year, and even tho I've wondered if the themes couldn't be a little more festive than cops 'n robbers, I plan on getting these for years to come. We enjoy the unique pieces as additions to our collection. This year I'm going to take them out of the cardboard box and put them in a permanent wooden Advent calendar I have that matches my decor. So much better than candy or cheap little toys! As for the climbing price, I find that interesting but have two thoughts: 1) Lego company provides me with free Lego Club magazines and a free high-quality weekly animated TV show; I don't think the price for this toy is outrageous; and 2) I've tried to find decent advent stuffing toys for my calendar that are a little better than birthday party favors, and that easily adds up to as much or more than the price of this product. Highly recommended.

  • Linda Nordhorn - book

    this was not what I expected. it is more of an autobiography than the information that I was expecting. it was a good read just not what I expected I was looking for some guidance as to what to supplement with for different problems. also purchased the Lets play doctor book and it is not that good either