www.anticancerinfo.co.uk Review:

anticancerinfo.co.uk - Welcome to the website - Research on apricot kernels and vitamin B17 in the fight against cancer - other names associated with vitamin B17 are amygdalin, laetrile, nitrilosides and apricot kernels

  • http://www.anticancerinfo.co.uk/you_and_cancer.html anticancerinfo.co.uk - Where are you in relation to cancer? - If everyone was interested, and decided to take action that became a life-time habit, then cancer could become a rare anomaly.
  • http://www.anticancerinfo.co.uk/apricot_kernels.html anticancerinfo.co.uk - why eat apricot kernels? - Among the nutrients apricot kernels contain is one called amygdalin, which is also known as vitamin B17
  • http://www.anticancerinfo.co.uk/extra_info_faqs.html anticancerinfo.co.uk - extra information including FAQs - this is purely a gathering together of different sources of information so that an overview may be obtained
  • http://www.anticancerinfo.co.uk/avoiding_dairy.html anticancerinfo.co.uk - Should we all be avoiding dairy? - It found that the more milk a person drinks the more problems they encountered with their digestion, immunity, and overall health.
  • http://www.anticancerinfo.co.uk/cancer_prevention.html anticancerinfo.co.uk - cancer prevention - Most types of cancer are on the increase, and conventional treatment is losing the war.
  • http://www.anticancerinfo.co.uk/free_of_cancer.html anticancerinfo.co.uk - now free of cancer - it needs to be very clearly understood that removing tumours and killing cancer cells does not remove the vitamin deficiency, and therefore the cancer may possibly return if this is not dealt with
  • http://www.anticancerinfo.co.uk/cancer_now.html anticancerinfo.co.uk - Are you fighting cancer right now? - It would seem sensible therefore not to rely just on taking concentrated vitamin B17 tablets, but also to alter your diet
  • http://www.anticancerinfo.co.uk/b17_therapy.html anticancerinfo.co.uk - Vitamin B17 therapy - Vitamin B17 and nutritional therapy has three parts to it: (1) vitamin B17, (2) supplements and (3) diet. It is important to follow all three - they work together.
  • http://www.anticancerinfo.co.uk/reactions.html anticancerinfo.co.uk - reactions to taking apricot kernels - there may be a reaction in the body as it responds to cancer cells dying off and has to handle flushing out the resulting toxins
  • http://www.anticancerinfo.co.uk/supporting_supplements.html anticancerinfo.co.uk - supporting supplements - Vitamins, minerals and enzymes and herbal and natural supplements which are anti-cancer/boost the immune system
  • http://www.anticancerinfo.co.uk/supporting_diet.html anticancerinfo.co.uk - supporting diet - For those with cancer, a restricted diet is recommended - very restricted for four months, then if the patient is doing well, it is liberalised to a certain extent.
  • http://www.anticancerinfo.co.uk/supporting_lifestyle.html anticancerinfo.co.uk - supporting lifestyle - if you haven't changed your diet and lifestyle, the cancer will probably return. Aide memoire to action:
  • http://www.anticancerinfo.co.uk/iodine_deficiency.html anticancerinfo.co.uk - Iodine deficiency and links to breast cancer - It is now suggested that iodine deficiency is one of the main underlying causes of many varied illnesses including thyroid disorders, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, cancer

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