www.bodyandspiritescape.com Review:

Olivia Emmett Acupuncture in Artane - Dublin, Ireland - Olivia Emmett is a qualified Acupuncturist based in Artane, Dublin. She specialises in treating fertility issues, depression, back and joint pain and skin conditions

Country:, North America, US

City: -71.2047 Massachusetts, United States

  • E.Hattress - Not what I needed

    I have an older model BOB stroller (2010) and wanted the adapter for my Chicco carseat. This is apparently the only model adapter, and I couldn't use it with my stroller. Waste of time unless you have a brand-new model stroller. This really needs to be spelled out for the consumer - there doesn't seem to be any available older-model or retro-fitted adapters.

  • Lane - I love essential oils

    I love essential oils. Add them in many of my home made cleaners. Also use them in home made diaper wipe solution. I will often put some on dryer sheets or in my mop solution for added fragrance. Different scents here are great and are decent quality. I've ordered discount brands and some of the oils would smell subpar. These are wonderful, no complaints :)

  • Banana Fingers - What a Relief!!!

    I cannot say enough good things about his product. Let me try. In the era I like to call BBS (Before Banana Slicer), to cut my bananas I would have had to pull the tarp off of the old band saw in the barnyard storage shed, rev up the generator (many times making a trip to the docks for the required whale oil fuel) and carefully placing the banana on the saw bed. I cannot count on my fingers how many times I missed the banana.... I really can no longer count without fingers. Now with the banana slicer those days are over. Me and my hand stumps thank the inventor of this blessed device. Now, if only they can come up with a banana peeler.