www.btlbrands.com Review:

BTL Brands - Do Better - We help big and small brands do better with a bold approach to strategy, identity, packaging & digital media.

  • http://www.btlbrands.com/about About BTL Brands — BTL Brands - With studios in London and Barcelona, we at BTL Brands bring together experience in branding consultancy with leading digital and UX design work. No matter if you are global or local, established or start-up, we are happy to transform the look and feel of the brands we work with, combining boldness of approach with the simplicity of excellence.When we're helping clients develop, we go both online and offline, working with brand identity, across packaging and corporate brand materials, integrating with all digital platforms. Our portfolio includes product design, web development, as well as complete brand overhauls, brought to life with robust activation campaigns.  Want to discuss a project?We love both our clients and what we do, and as a result we strive to push ourselves as well as our clients to do better at every stage of the process – be it at the point of strategic development, creative fleshing out or production decision points! Contact Stu for a no-strings-attached chat and tell us about your project or campaign by calling +44 (0)203 589 6098. Are you a student or graduate?We regularly offer work placements to motivated design and marketing students. We try to be as generous as possible with what we offer, and want to give interns a great experience with real clients and real work. Drop an e-mail to [email protected] if you're interested in gaining experience with a small and versatile team of brand people.  Are you a charity or non-profit organisation?We're always looking for ways of giving something back. If you are a registered charity or NFP and have a small budget project with a big mission, then give us a call, and we'll be happy to chat and see if we can fit it into our schedule.
  • http://www.btlbrands.com/mccoys/ McCoy's Man Crisps: Branding & Packaging Innovation — BTL Brands - CHALLENGE:Reinvent McCoy's crisps branding and packaging to reinforce its "man crisps" slogan.SOLUTION:Rotate the packet 90° so it opens on the longer side, allowing man-hands to fit inside. Man up the graphics. Man up the flavours. Done.RESULTS:• Over 200,000 views online in 7 days• Over 60,000 views on Buzzfeed• Over 300 reactions on Twitter, of which 95% positive• Packaging of the Week on The DielineLINKS:The DielineBuzzfeedThrillistFoodbeastPSFKThe DrumPackaging NewsCreative Review
  • http://www.btlbrands.com/stu/ Stu Lewin<br>[email protected]<br>07907969799 — BTL Brands - Founder and Creative Partner"Stuart is that rare individual you come across only very occasionally in life. He really pushes the limits of everything he does and is dedicated to making everything he touches the very best it can be. Having worked with many branding consultants and designers over the years, Stuart stands a head above the crowd. His design talents are second to none, but more importantly he becomes a key partner in any brand development process. The questions he asks and the way he works helps you think through your proposition and refine it to a clearer message. He is an excellent guide on any brand development journey."Anders Schönberg, CEO and Founder at Bob & Lush Stu has over 20 years experience in branding and design at every level. Before starting BTL Brands to do better, he was Creative Director at Vivid Brand, leading projects for Coke, Nestlé, Phillips and more.Linkedin
  • http://www.btlbrands.com/dietcoke/ Diet Coke: "Hello You" Integrated Marketing Campaign — BTL Brands - CHALLENGE:Diet Coke needed to create a new integrated marketing campaign that allowed them to re-connect with women who face increasing pressure and expectations from their careers, duties at home, and the media. A campaign that extended across packaging, print and digital.SOLUTION:"Hello you": an international campaign that gave women the permission to take a break from their daily stresses, celebrate who they are and enjoy a well deserved Diet Coke moment.RESULTS:Diet Coke had been losing market share to bottled water for several years. This campaign helped steady the ship and get women choosing bottles of Diet Coke over Volvic and Evian.LINKS:Diet Coke WebsiteHello You TV Ad
  • http://www.btlbrands.com/hectaressweetpotatocrisps/ Hectares Sweet Potato Crisps — BTL Brands - CHALLENGE: Kevin at Hectares had done an impressive job of getting his sweet potato crisps into Tesco supermarkets, BP petrol stations and small independent shops and cafes across the UK, all within just 2 years of starting the company. However, the brand touch points were not aligned or giving a clear and simple message. Our challenge was to take the Hectares brand to the next level with a new look & feel that was vibrant, bold and metropolitan but still true to its natural, hand-cooked, quality ingredients. The identity also needed to also be applicable beyond sweet potato crisps as the company expands into different snacks. SOLUTION: A hectare is a measure of land area, and Kevin sources his ingredients from the very best hectares of land in the world, whether it's sweet potatoes from North Carolina or peanuts from Indonesia. We took inspiration from aerial views of farm land and topographic maps to create a unique and relevant brand identity: a flexible new Hectares visual identity system that can be applied to any kind of snack in any kind of flavour in the future. The new brand message ties it all together: a whole new measure of taste. RESULTS:A very happy Hectares team for now, but more to come...
  • http://www.btlbrands.com/santeri/ Santeri Lohi<br>[email protected]<br>+44(0)7707790411 — BTL Brands - Creative Partner & Lead Designer"Santeri is our branding master. He always finds the right balance between pragmatism, creativity and artistry, and is able to switch effortlessly between an objective focused approach and an open creative one. Having known him and his work from an early stage I can see his Finnish (and sometimes his military) background influencing the former, and his rich international academic experience fueling the latter. It is a pleasure to work with someone who is able to immerse himself in your concepts and help you through the process of realizing them in a language the world understands and enjoys."David Nogueira (Managing Partner, source cod) Santeri has been with BTL Brands since January 2012. He studied graphic design at Middlesex University following a longtime interest in drawing, photography, design and branding.  Linkedin
  • http://www.btlbrands.com/anysharp/ AnySharp: Rebranded, Revisualized, Repackaged — BTL Brands - CHALLENGE:The AnySharp brand (known for its knife sharpeners) was struggling to get listed in more premium stores. We were challenged to reposition it from Budget to Premium.SOLUTION:A polished new identity based on the flagship product's optimal 20° sharpening angle, new product visuals, and confident minimal packaging.RESULTS:The response to the new branding and packaging has been very positive so far and orders for the products are already on the rise.LINKS:AnySharp
  • http://www.btlbrands.com/engstrom1/ Engström: Scandinavian Re-Brand — BTL Brands - We are wrapping up the first phase of our rebrand for Engström (formerly Engström & Engström), a Swedish manufacturer of super-high-end amplifiers.More to come soon.
  • http://www.btlbrands.com/connectb2b/ Connect B2B — BTL Brands - CHALLENGE:Connect B2B was a successful London-based technology company that had been providing its services to clients like Jamie Oliver and Wahaca for over 10 years. They came to us for help when they realised their brand was 10 years out of date, and no longer a true reflection of who they were or how they worked. SOLUTION:The very first meeting told us everything we needed to know. Managing partners Andrew Doe and Alix Taylor didn't look like I.T. people, didn't dress like I.T. people, didn't talk like I.T. people and the office didn't look like an I.T. office. We got straight to work to make Connect B2B look, feel and sound nothing like an I.T. company.Good technology is intuitive; it gets out of the way and allows people to focus on doing what they do best. When a restaurant is kitted with the best technology the staff can focus on the customers, and the customers can enjoy their experience. Technology is about people. We called the company DoeTaylor and repositioned the brand to intuitive technology, rather than Information Technology.We directed a full day candid photo shoot at some of their clients' locations to get full-screen imagery for the new website. We weren't interested in wifi hotspots, monitors or till systems; the point was to show staff in their element, customers having a good time, busy restaurants... all enabled by intuitive technology.RESULTS:Before the rebrand Andrew and Alix admitted they felt ashamed when they shared their website with potential leads. Now they have a bold & simple brand that they are proud to talk about, and one that genuinely reflects who they are. We are now helping them with other ventures."You have gone above and beyond, as always."-Andrew Doe, Founder & Managing Partner, DoeTaylorwww.doetaylor.com 
  • http://www.btlbrands.com/chatsfieldmillsandboon/ The Chatsfield: Brand Identity — BTL Brands - CHALLENGE:Create the brand identity for a new 5 star fictional hotel called The Chatsfield. A luxury hotel that is the location for a new Mills & Boon interactive hub that brings to life the brand message 'Style. Spectacle. Scandal'.SOLUTION:We researched what the Mills & Boon readers wanted from an exclusive London hotel. Most wanted to be rescued from their daily routine and pampered with 5 star luxury. Fictional hotels are usually based on existing places but we wanted to create a premium hotel that had its own unique look and feel. We took inspiration from the luxury brands that can be found in and around Mayfair where the hotel is located. The branding was based on a minimal icon design created from the 'C' and 'D' of the Chatsfield name, in the style of Gucci and Chanel.RESULTS:The Mills & Boon readers were very complimentary of the new hotel branding and talked about the hotel as if it was a real 5 star luxury location.LINKS:WiredThe TelegraphUSA TodayThe GuardianThe DrumThe Logo Ed
  • http://www.btlbrands.com/turned-magazine/ The Heart of Bruno Wizard: Punk Marketing (Vinyl Player) — BTL Brands - CHALLENGE:Create an innovative way to give away some of Bruno's vinyl music to promote the launch of the film at the EEFF (East End Film Festival). Bruno only likes to release vinyl, so we set ourselves the challenge to find a new way of creating the vinyl experience for the digital generation who probably don't have a vinyl player but do have a smartphone.SOLUTION:Create paper flyers that have the look and feel of vinyl, but are printed with a digital QR code. People scan the code with their smart phones and are taken to an animated vinyl player on Youtube - the arm lifts, the needle drops and the vinyl begins to play Hearts in Exile by Bruno Wizard and The Homosexuals.RESULTS:The vinyls were given away on the streets of Shoreditch, adjacent to the cinema, where the film was going to have its premiere at the EEFF. The Heart of Bruno Wizard was the first film to sell-out 3 weeks earlyLINKS:The Vinyl PlayerPunk Marketing 
  • http://www.btlbrands.com/coke-zero/ Coke Zero: Integrated Brand Activation — BTL Brands - CHALLENGE:Coca-Cola needed to create a new integrated brand activation campaign, including packaging design, in-store, out of home and brand experience events, that brought their new brand message 'Making the Impossible Possible' to life and aligned it with the new TV ad.SOLUTION: An integrated brand activation campaign that connected all the dots between out of home, in-store, online and TV. The Coke Zero product makes the impossible possible everyday by giving people that great coke taste with NO sugar! The campaign needed to focus on the simple idea of making the impossible possible in simple everyday scenarios to reinforce the product claim.RESULTS: We managed to successfully connect with the core consumers (18 year old skaters) and the core shoppers (mums) in a way that helped drive brand awareness and engagement whilst increasing sales.LINKS:The Impossible Made Possible TV Ad
  • http://www.btlbrands.com/brandingandpackagingdesignrefresh/ Bob & Lush: Branding & Packaging Design Refresh — BTL Brands - CHALLENGE:Refresh the Bob & Lush branding & packaging design to reflect the premium nature of the brand and align itself more with the new brand message: "It's not dog food... It's Bob & Lush!"SOLUTION:Bob & Lush is one of the few brands (maybe the only brand) to use real cuts of meat, fresh vegetables, minerals and NO NASTIES in their food. The solution was simple. Most dog food packs look like... dog food. Bob & lush is gourmet quality food for dogs (and 'foodie' owners) who want and need the best quality ingredients. We created new 'foodie' pack designs that would not look out of place in your local farmers market or gourmet cafe.RESULTS:The packs launched in late 2015 and sales are considerably up on 2014. PHOTOGRAPHY:Ian O'LearyLINKS:Bob & Lush
  • http://www.btlbrands.com/aerolatte/ Aerolatte Comms Strategy — BTL Brands - CHALLENGE: Aerolatte invented the original steam-free milk-frother in 2001. Since then the product range has grown to include coffee makers and accessories, but the brand had become disjointed. Aerolatte needed to stand for something, so our challenge was to refresh the brand with a comms strategy that could be applied consistently online and in-store. SOLUTION: We noticed that all of Aerolatte's products fit into three categories that covered the three steps needed to create a perfect homemade coffee: 1. Brew the coffee, 2. whisk the milk into a froth and 3. shake chocolate powder on top finish it off. This became the foundation for a clear message, consistent look & feel, and an easy-to-understand product range. RESULTS: The Aerolatte team are currently reviewing the proposal. 

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  • Molly Simbeck - Really, really works

    I wore this under the Sweet Sweat Waist Trimmer, and I was sweating within minutes of my weight-training workout. Normally, I don't start sweating until the end, but with this I didn't even make it through my first set. My body temperature was noticeably higher almost immediately. When, I took it off after my workout, tons of sweat fell from the waist trimmer to the floor (so did my jaw). I couldn't believe how much I had sweat! It also has a really pleasant smell! I can't wait to see results!

  • Amy Dru - Great socks but run large

    I wear Vibrams to run in and I wanted some compression socks that I could wear while running. I couldn't find any compression "toe" socks at my local stores. I found these on Amazon and ordered them. They fit larger than other compression socks (I have some to wear for recovery that are not toe socks), so I found that these did not provide the compression that I needed. Fortunately, my husband also runs in Vibrams and these fit him perfectly. He loves them! I think they are great socks as long as you order a size smaller than what you think you need!

  • luis llamas - Once built, it rocks...

    We got this toy from the bzzz campaign. I had my 13 year old attempt to assemble it. An hour later, we had to help. We spent a a few minutes getting it back to base and went from there. We were able to complete the assembly in a little under an hour but boy was it interesting. The instructions require more work than the actual assembly. The pictures are accurate so we went with those. Once assembled, the kids are able to program it to do things and to recognize voice commands. They had fun with the questions, and programs they could perform. They played with it for a good while and then it just sat there, lonely. I believe younger kids will have a blast with it, but my kids lost interest. Maybe they will pick it up again...