www.classicalmusic.us Review:

Classical Music USA - Classical Music USA - the best of Classical Music in the United States of America and abroad. Highlights of the best audio, video and reporting.

  • http://www.classicalmusic.us/classical-music-library.html Classical Music Library - Classical Music USA - The Classical Music USA Library is a collection of articles, features, how-to articles, and guides covering all sorts of different types of Classical Music information. We'll be opening the Classical Music Library very soon.
  • http://www.classicalmusic.us/2010/04/introducing-classical-music-usa.html Introducing Classical Music USA... - Classical Music USA - Classical Music USA, at the domain www.classicalmusic.us, is a brand new blog featuring the very best of Classical Music from the United States of America, and around the world. It's part of The MusBook Network, a group of online web services that connect the world's Classical, Jazz and Contemporary music...
  • http://www.classicalmusic.us/2010/04/be-featured-on-classical-music-usa.html Be Featured on Classical Music USA - Classical Music USA - Want to be featured? Our Editorial Policy The advent of social networking technology has allowed us to conceive MusBook.com and The MusBook Network as a beautiful meritocracy, where the most interesting work becomes a 'social object'... people interact with and around musical work that they find compelling, and attention grows...
  • http://www.classicalmusic.us/2010/04/advertise-on-classical-music-usa.html Advertise on Classical Music USA - Classical Music USA - Advertising There are times when you can't wait for organic editorial to get wind of that incredible song you've written, or that incredible artist that your record label is promoting. For those times, you'll want a featured promo slot on Classical Music USA. See the ads at the top of...
  • http://www.classicalmusic.us/2011/03/fabio-luisi-cancels-covent-garden-appearances-to-stand-in-for-levine-at-the-met.html Fabio Luisi cancels Covent Garden appearances to stand in for Levine at the Met - Classical Music USA - James Levine has pulled out of further performances at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, and his surprise replacement for one of the productions – Das Rheingold – is Fabio Luisi. It is a surprise for two reasons: firstly, Luisi is not known as a Wagner specialist, and secondly he...
  • http://www.classicalmusic.us/2011/03/alex-ross-in-australia-to-curate-aco-season.html Alex Ross in Australia to curate ACO season - Classical Music USA - The influential music critic and author Alex Ross is in Australia to curate a season of concerts based on his two best-sellers The Rest is Noise and Listen to This. The Australian Chamber Orchestra perform two programmes, each linked to the musical themes explored in the volumes. In The Rest...
  • http://www.classicalmusic.us/2011/03/busy-conducting-schedule-means-salonen-misses-composition-deadline.html Busy conducting schedule means Salonen misses composition deadline - Classical Music USA - The première of a new work by Esa-Pekka Salonen, scheduled for next Wednesday, has had to be postponed because the work is not yet complete. Pianist Yefim Bronfman was to have premièred Humoresque at the Walt Disney Hall in Los Angeles and then given a second performance at Carnegie Hall...
  • http://www.classicalmusic.us/2011/03/composer-aldo-clementi-dies-aged-86.html Composer Aldo Clementi dies aged 86 - Classical Music USA - The Italian composer or Sicilian birth Aldo Clementi has died at the age of 86. Clementi was the last surviving member of the generation of influential avant-garde Italian composers that included Berio, Nono and Maderna. He studied with Alfredo Sangiorgi and Goffredo Petrassi, and later attended the Darmstadt Summer Courses,...
  • http://www.classicalmusic.us/2011/03/levine-quits-boston-symphony.html Levine quits Boston Symphony - Classical Music USA - James Levine is to step down as Music Director of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, a position he has held since 2004. The conductor has suffered a series of medical problems in recent years, particularly with his back, that have caused him to cancel a number of engagements. Levine has said...
  • http://www.classicalmusic.us/2011/03/jim-jarmusch-at-work-on-first-opera-project.html Jim Jarmusch at work on first opera project - Classical Music USA - The maverick independent film maker Jim Jarmusch has announced that he is working on his first opera, a work about the electrical engineer Nikola Tesla and modeled on the conventions of Baroque music theatre. The evening-length show is being devised in collaboration with composer-writer Phil Kline. According to Jarmusch, the...
  • http://www.classicalmusic.us/2011/02/opera-singer-thrown-out-of-vienna-taxi-for-being-black.html Opera singer thrown out of Vienna taxi for being black - Classical Music USA - An Afro-American opera singer has reported that she was thrown out of a Vienna taxi two weeks ago in a racially motivated incident. Soprano Angel Joy Blue, who is in the city to sing the role of Female Chorus in Britten’s "The Rape of Lucretia" at the Theater an der...
  • http://www.classicalmusic.us/2011/02/details-emerge-of-paul-mccartneys-ballet-project.html Details emerge of Paul McCartney’s ballet project - Classical Music USA - Paul McCartney is working with the New York City Ballet on his first ever dance score. The work, entitled ‘Ocean’s Kingdom’ is already in the advanced stages of composition, and the first act is to be played through for the dancers today. McCartney explains in an interview with the New...
  • http://www.classicalmusic.us/2011/02/tight-security-surrounds-israel-philharmonic-tour-of-us-amid-pro-palestinian-demonstrations.html Tight security surrounds Israel Philharmonic tour of US amid pro-Palestinian demonstrations - Classical Music USA - The annual tour of the United States by the Israel Philharmonic is taking place under unusually high security after pro-Palestinian groups threatened to disrupt the concerts. The tour began on Sunday in Miami, and yesterday reached New York, where the the pro-Palestinian group Adalah New York staged a protest outside...
  • http://www.classicalmusic.us/2011/02/critics-hail-royal-operas-anna-nicole-a-hit-though-not-a-masterpiece.html Critics hail Royal Opera's Anna Nicole a hit, though not a masterpiece - Classical Music USA - Press coverage for Anna Nicole, the new work by Mark Anthony Turnage and Richard Jones that premièred at the Royal Opera House last night, has been exceptional. The copious reviews and articles that have appeared in this morning's papers have been broadly positive of the work, and uniformly so of...

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  • Amazon Customer - Make the Year of the Fire Monkey Your Best

    Suzanne White’s latest book 2016 YOUR NEW ASTROLOGY™ HOROSCOPES: Chinese & Western Predictions for 2016 (The Year of the Fire Monkey) is a fascinating, comprehensive and, above all, comprehensible volume for readers who want to follow their monthly horoscopes in detail and using a new approach. As White has written: “THE NEW ASTROLOGY™ is a revolutionary astrological concept that, some years ago, I dared to invent and write a book about. To create The New Astrology™, I combined the attributes of our 12 Western signs with those of the 12 Chinese signs and I came up with 144 New Astrology signs.” Although the process may sound complicated, White has organized the horoscopes in an easily navigable fashion. I checked out my own “double” horoscope and discovered some intriguing forecasts as well as advice on love, work, money, and health. Even if you’re a skeptic, White’s book is loads of fun to read, as her prose is witty and engaging. Kudos to the “High Priestess” of Astrology!!!

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