www.cpsmlimoeiro.ce.gov.br Review:

Home - Consorcio Publico de Saúde da Microrregião de Limoeiro do Norte que tem como unidades o CEO Regional Dr. João Eduardo e a Policlínica Judite Chave de Limoeiro do Norte

Country:, North America, US

City: -80.1826 Florida, United States

  • Erik N. - Nothing Special

    This item is exactly what it looks like. You just slide it over the center console piece and let it sit there. It does come with the two sided tape to make it stick securely on to the console. However, after reading the other reviews I decided against using the tape and instead just let it sit. This worked fine until I had my doors off and went over 60MPH, at which point my new Tire Tread ArmPad decided it wanted to be a plane and fly out the door of my Jeep. If you buy this, I recommend using the tape that comes with it.

  • Larry Ruble - Leaks

    The stopper for this product leaks because the sink baffle loses it's shape after a few weeks of use. Company says they will NOT cover replacement under their 4-year warranty. Company wants $12 plus s&h or about $20 each time. Service man said it is a rip-off.