www.dr-cacovean-adrian.ro Review:

Cacovean Adrian, operatii varice, operatii clasice varice, tratament varice, ulcer varicos, operatii laser varice - Dr. Cacovean Adrian medic primar chirurgie cardiovasculara. Operatii clasice varice si operatii laser varice la Ramnicu Valcea si la Bucuresti

  • http://www.dr-cacovean-adrian.ro/bolile-cardio-vasculare/ Bolile cardio-vasculare - Dr. Cacovean Adrian medic primar chirurgie cardiovasculara. Acest site vine in sprijinul pacienţilor care doresc rezolvarea unei probleme de sanatate: boala cardiovasculara.
  • http://www.dr-cacovean-adrian.ro/boli-arteriale/arterita Arterita | Boli arteriale | Bolile cardio-vasculare - Arterita: boala care consta în inflamarea unei artere, dar si inflamatie, afectiune (leziune) degenerativa a unei artere
  • http://www.dr-cacovean-adrian.ro/boli-arteriale/trombangeita-obliteranta Trombangeita obliterantă (boala Winiwarter-Burger) | Boli arteriale | Bolile cardio-vasculare - Boala a vaselor arteriale in care atunci cand examinam arterele la microscop (autopsie la pacientul decedat sau examen anatomopatologic din membrul amputat), constatam că acestea (arterele) sunt umplute de cheaguri, au peretele ingrosat şi inflamat
  • http://www.dr-cacovean-adrian.ro/operatii/operatii-practicate-de-dr-cacovean-adrian Operatii practicate de dr. Cacovean Adrian | Operatii | Bolile cardio-vasculare - Detrombozări fistule (native, cu vene sau protetice); reparaţii fistule cu probleme (debit mic, presiuni mari, sindroame de furt prin colaterale, stenoze venoase etc.); rezolvarea complicaţiilor fistulelor arteriovenoase de angioacces (hemodializă), acestea fiind: anevrismul anastomotic al fistulei, dilataţiile anevrismale ale fistulelor arteriovenoase
  • http://www.dr-cacovean-adrian.ro/operatii/fistula-arteriovenoasa-de-angioacces Fistula arteriovenoasa de angioacces (Fistula Cimino-Brescia) | Operatii | Bolile cardio-vasculare - Fistula arteriovenoasă de angioacces: este un montaj realizat chirurgical, care face posibilă hemodializa, dar şi un diagnostic de ieşire din spital şi un titlu pentru creaţia chirurgului vascular. Practic, este o comunicare directa dintre o artera si o vena superficiala, efectuata de un chirurg vascular.
  • http://www.dr-cacovean-adrian.ro/investigatii/ecografia-doppler-vasculara Ecografia Doppler vasculară - Este o ecografie ca nici una alta. De fapt este tot o ecografie, având particularităţi care o fac ceva mai specială.
  • http://www.dr-cacovean-adrian.ro/terapii-alternative/mezoterapie Mezoterapia | Terapii alternative | Remedii si terapii - Mezoterapia clasică: utilizează cockteiluri formate din 3 sau mai multe substanţe medicamentoase alese după criterii precise. Pentru tratamentul celulitei se folosesc diferite medicamente injectabile, precum Acetil- L Carnitina, Cofeina, Acid hialuronic, Triac, asociate cu Procaina. Mezoterapia după metoda Guna: este o metodă revoluţionară de tratament, care combină mezoterapia, homeopatia şi acupunctura. Constă în injecţii de remedii homeopate, alese pentru fiecare tip de afecţiune, în puncte de acupunctură locale şi generale, cât şi în puncte care nu sunt de acupunctură, aflate în zona bolnavă.
  • http://www.dr-cacovean-adrian.ro/terapii-alternative/medicina-ayurvedica Medicina ayurvedica | Terapii alternative | Remedii si terapii - Budismul a preluat Ayurveda şi a dus-o în Tibet şi în alte ţări, precum Thailanda, Birmania, dezvoltând şi aducând anumite specificuri locale.
  • http://www.dr-cacovean-adrian.ro/terapii-alternative/medicina-reglarii-fiziologice Medicina reglării fiziologice | Terapii alternative | Remedii si terapii - Folosirea moleculelor mesagere în doze foarte mici are o importanţă inovatoare particulară, acestea fiind denumite doze fiziologice joase. Mai mult, aceste medicamente în doze foarte mici
  • http://www.dr-cacovean-adrian.ro/consultatii-online Consultatii de specialitate - Dr Cacovean Adrian :: Index Categorii - Categorii - Consultatii de specialitate - Dr Cacovean Adrian - Română (România)
  • http://www.dr-cacovean-adrian.ro/ultimele-postari Consultatii de specialitate - Dr Cacovean Adrian :: Discuții recente (1/1) - Discuții recente (1/1) - Consultatii de specialitate - Dr Cacovean Adrian - Română (România)

    Country:, Europe, RO

    City: 25 , Romania

  • NCRed74 - Too strong a smell for me

    I had to move the unopened package into the basement within a hour of arrival because the smell was so strong that my eyes watered and I kept sneezing. I was still hopeful I could use a couple in my basement but I have an old house and the basement isn't sealed very well, so the too-strong odor wafted up and continued to wreak havoc with my sinuses.

  • Leigh Ann Duncan - does exactly what I wanted it to do

    This product does exactly what I wanted it to do. I was able to charge the Guide 10+ batteries, 4 Duracell AA rechargeable batteries, my Kindle, my emergency radio and my iPod directly from the Nomad 7 solar panels. Just to note, using the USB on the Nomad 7 I charged the iPod and then the Kindle while the Guide 10+ was charging the batteries.

  • N Ohana - My 5yr&9yr old love it. It's very simple game to play and ...

    My 5yr&9yr old love it. It's very simple game to play and with motion sense all they have to dance!! I'd recommend it to any kids 5yr and older who is into music & dance!

  • y.y. - Is it a special clay??

    So, my skin is finally starting to clear up after 6wks of using clay mask. The reason why I give only three stars is because I don't know if lerosett mask is any different than regular facial clay mask which you can get for much much cheaper.. After the 5th week of using lerosett, my skin was still having many white heads, and the tube had only 1/5 left. I was debating to order next shipment or not. I didn't wanna be a fool to pay so much more money if the tube was simply just a clay and water(which it is, but the clay supposed to be specially heat treated),and I also had a thought(or doubt) of that if you put this kind of effort like putting a mask every night, any mask could the job?? So I decided to try the regular facial clay mask which I've bought long time ago at health food store for a few $$. It's been 5 days since I switched to the regular clay, I still apply it every night. And it might be too early to say, however my skin is now clearing up. i know it's too early to decide if the regular clay mask is doing the job or the 5wks of using lerosett finally paying off now. I will update in the future how the regular clay is working on my skin. I think I'll thank lerosett for giving me an idea of putting a clay mask every night, and also motivating me for it. I've have acne problem for almost 20years, and I've tried soooo many different products. now my skin seems getting clear w/o using any harsh chemicals, so I'm pretty happy. However, you never know when acne comes back. that's how acne is so annoying.. one day you think your skin is finally clearing up and next day you wake up with 5 new pimples.so I'll make sure to update in the future. Oh, one more reason I like the regular clay better besides the cost performance is that I can use warm water to prepare the clay so that pores stay open, on the other hand, lerosett mask is already ready to use, you squeeze out of tube and the mask is pretty cold on the skin, pores might be closing up as you are applying..

  • aewsome fan-boy - who ya gonna call

    great art, the story is so god it fits in the world of the movies and the video game while being its own, a must for all fans