www.droneprosthodontics.com Review:

Michael Drone Dentistry & Prosthodontics - Valparaiso, IN - At Michael Drone Dentistry & Prosthodontics, we provide a welcoming atmosphere with informative, caring individuals and provide the following outstanding dental solutions for a healthy mouth and stunning smile.

Country:, North America, US

City: -98.3987 Texas, United States

  • Philip - Absolute classic revisited

    Absolutely timeless and special song remastered. This is one of those songs you remember exactly where you were the first time you hear it.


    I was looking forward to this product, but, when it got here, I fiund that the active ingredient is simply boric acid! 32 bucks for 65% boric acid! I have three canisters of 99% boric acid that I bought at roses for 2 bucks a canister. Well P T Barnum was talking about me! Save your money and go get boric acid at any hardware store.

  • Greenville, MI - Good at stopping hunger!!!

    I don't think there are weight loss supplements out there that I would give 5 stars in all honesty. I haven't been using this long yet, but it has worked to slow down hunger. I am only taking 1/day and you can take 2.

  • Patty - No Future for the Future

    I have laminate floors and have tried so many floor products to try to make my floors become bright and shiny. Finally I found your product and am so excited to see my dull lifeless floor come back to life. I grew up using future, but I am now a holloway house user. Thank you so much for the terrific product. A very satisfied user.