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USC Pain Center - Pain Treatment News & Information - The latest pain management news & information. From the USC Pain Center, provider of complete diagnostic evaluations and comprehensive treatment & rehabilitation for patients suffering from chronic pain.

  • http://www.helpforpain.com/mednews.htm Pain News & Information - Pain Treatment Updates - The latest news and developments in Pain Treatment & Medicine, and Pain Management.

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  • Aaron A. - great!

    Great product. Truly feels like you're experiencing the World Cup. Fabulous graphics. Excellent game modes. No flaws.

  • Sandy - Single Best Purchase I Have Ever Made

    This Waterpik is the best product I have ever bought. I was told that I had periodontal disease around a tooth and had a pocket that measured at least a "9." A referral to a periodontist was made. I was told that for about $1,000 I could have the problem taken care of, but that the procedure would also leave me sensitive to hot and cold. I bought a Waterpik because I didn't want to spent the money I didn't have, take the antibiotics required for the surgery, and then be sensitive to hot and cold for (maybe) ever. I wanted to see if I could "get away" with postponing the inevitable until I could save up the cash. I used the product religiously twice a day. In a few days I noticed a difference in my mouth, and in a month a significant difference, so significant I decided to give the Waterpik an even longer trial before having surgery. After using the product for 10 months without missing a day, at my last cleaning I was told that the measurements around the same tooth that was a "9" now measure a "3." The Waterpik worked miracles for me. I've never spent a better $60. I am not sure the Waterpik would do the same for anyone else, but honestly combined with daily brushing & flossing, I have the healthiest mouth I have ever had in my life. I recommend this product highly to absolutely everyone. A lot of products promise a lot of things, but this one that made very modest promises, delivered beyond my wildest expectations.

  • Pen Name - fun game but not for a 3 year old

    Love this game. Got it so I could sweat and my three year old could do it too. Some of the dances get a little too sexy, I try to shield my little girl from that kind of stuff so she doesn't think it's so "cool." But overall very fun but do have to pick through some songs.