www.holistic-medicine.com Review:
Center for Holistic Medicine Jerry P. Gore M.D. - Treat your medical problems. Educate you about your health.Transform your life with holistic medicine. 240 Saunders Road Deerfield , IL 60015 847-236-1701
Country:, North America, US
City: -95.4739 Texas, United States
My grand daughter spends a lot of time in her seat looking at all the characters. It's one way to keep her occupied when going places.
I have had this phone for about 8 months and I am past ready to find something else. It has memory issues. At some point it will tell you that the text message folder is full. You cannot receive text messages until you deal with the problem. The real problem is the memory is not full. It is a false message and the only way I know to fix it is to do a hard reset and then you have to start over and reload all your apps. The ROM memory is too small and so at some point you have to choose which apps you want, because there is simply not enough space for all the ones you might want.