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  • Bryan M. - Classic Aesop

    Good book with classic Aesop tales and good illustrations. I would recommend this book for ages 5+ depending on how well your child reads because the vocabulary can be a bit challenging at times, but I consider that a good thing. Some stories are only a paragraph or two so be forewarned you may have to read more than one before bedtime.

  • Amberlee Riggan - CANT LIVE WITHOUT

    My family has been using this salve for many many years, my husband uses it during hot weather because he gets gauded and it is the only thing that works. It is also good for skin irritations and diaper rash, thank God we had this for the baby to.

  • Nichole Shepard - My poor little guy was so gassy and his gas has ...

    Been using these for a couple of weeks and I can now say that they really work! My poor little guy was so gassy and his gas has gone waaaay down. I wasn't sure if it was the probiotics or something else. But I forgot to give them to him for 2 days in a row and his gas came back full force. Won't forget again!

  • Ron P - Florida - This is a great mini desktop

    This is a great mini desktop. It delivers perfectly on small form factor and good performance. My unit came with 8GB of DDR3L in slot 1, and slot 2 was empty. I added another 8 GB of DDR3L by buying the same Samsung memory that was shipped with it - here is the link in case you need it.(https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0173ZBC2E/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1)

  • al-Halabi - Learn to haggle westerners.

    It's a pretty good product but you people apparently don't know how to haggle. I got the entire set like 10 different items for under $100 in the mall kiosk. How? Haggling. I'm from Jerusalem so they know it when I go to them, they know not to try and bs me. the says ohhhh its 129 but 80 for you and say 25 which he laughs at but doesn't end it there. He insists 80 but I say 35 he says hes my friend blah blah blah I say were from the same place blah blah blah. He says you know what? I like you 50 so I say 25. He tells me the computer wont allow 25. We settle on 3 of the socalled "$130 items" + soap for a grand total of $50. Then I go to the other kiosk (my locl mall has 3 because americans don't know how to haggle) and do the same for the complete set.