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Missouri Southern Healthcare/FastHealth Corporation (Dexter, Missouri - Stoddard County) - FastHealth Corporation, Medical Internet Company. E-commerce, programming, medical search engine, online nurses, health portal, data applications, physician web sites, medical dictionary.

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  • J. tsai - Better than before

    What I really found it useful for was the school organization by state, making it easier for me to organize my notes before submitting my application. This helps if you are especially interested in the regional considerations of going to a specific school.

  • P. Killion - Excellent Gateway - Works with Comcast

    The Motorola SURFboard SBG6580 has a recieved a lot of praise, and a lot of negative feedback, but I think it's important to note both who your ISP is, and also the release date of the product. It seems that many of the early bugs/issues have been worked out, so long as you have an ISP who can release the latest firmware to the device. Cable modems are only able to be flashed by your ISP such as Comcast, and this modem may not be certified to work with all cable providers.