www.myelinrepair.org Review:
Myelin Repair Foundation - The Myelin Repair Foundation is an innovative research foundation focusing on developing drug therapies for multiple sclerosis patients.
Country:, North America, US
City: -118.3928 California, United States
When sprayed on the bugs it didn’t kill them this was a waste of my time and money .Very unhappy with this product.
Okay so I bought this cause my razor wasn't sharp enough and I would always have little hair bristles on my parts after I shaved and when I used it on my balls it started burning and now there's weird bumps on my balls a really good product otherwise
This AV had good reviews, and this is what we use at my workplace. The install was simple, and the use is simple. Other AV products I have had in the past included Norton (never again), McAfee (disastrous), and Malwarbytes (does not claim to be a full AV)
Very helpful and well organized. I liked their test strategies. I would recommend this to anyone taking the PCAT.
I bought several of these for stocking stuffers for the men in my life and they all LOVED it! I think they liked the label as much as the product :-p Needless to say, this product really does work well and is a lot of fun for the guest bathroom! If you find that regular air freshener does not quite do the job in your house, you need to try this toilet spray.....you will be glad that you did!
It gave my neice confidence and a great score on the exam. She is now taking the steps to complete the process.