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PDA, Inc. | Expert Evaluation and Statistical Consulting - PDA, Inc. is an expert tobacco quitline evaluator. Search our website for tobacco quitline clients and other evaluation, data analysis, statistics and web-based solutions projects and clients.

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  • RoadRunnerMan - Experience in software like WordPress, Joomla

    Based on reviews from the 4th edition of this book, I decided to go with it. The book is still on the mail, purchased on 13Oct2016. I will be updating this review as I read through the book.

  • bobo - OUTSTANDING

    Peel & seal is very easy to work with, can be cut with a utility knife to the size you need. It sticks to just about anything that you need it to. I applied it to my entire mobile home roof with very little effort, I have a older metal flat roof mobile home and it had sprung leaks over the years. and decided to put a new roof on. some of the estimates for a new roof were between $5,000.00 & $8,000.00. I did the math! For just under $2,000.00 I did it myself, over time when I could, weather permitting and without breaking the bank. total time was about a month. I have had no leaks since and believe me living in Northern NEW ENGLAND we get a lot of rain.

  • Mister Christer - Come to Mama

    Dispite what a few people seem to be saying this album ROCKS. I had trouble falling asleep after finishing the record because the tunes would not leave my head. From the opening and highlight track, Diamond Heart, to the beautiful stinging Angel Down, Joanne is Gaga's most complete effort yet. If you aren't already Mother Monster's biggest fan, this album will win you over and have you Come to Mama!

  • Fable's Library - Perhaps my hopes were too high

    I received this book free from Miss Print’s Arc Adoption, thank you so much (and this doesn’t change my opinions at all!)

  • JackVale - Great dads rock!

    Nice illustrations and the message is a very positive one that encourages mothers & children to see their husbands/partners/fathers as important role models. For dads, it is a guide on what they should be doing so that their children view them as an important part of their lives.