www.rungiarun.com Review:
RUNgiaRUN by Gia Alvarez - Gia is a mother of twins, a wife, a run coach, founder of Mamalete, a philanthropist, and a marathon runner who lives in New York City. Gia's goal is to help parents find balance in their busy lives through family fitness.
Country:, North America, US
City: -111.6133 Utah, United States
We really like this chair! We've used it on our travels (near, far, domestic, international) and many people comment on its looks and intriguing attachment system. Sometimes those quirky, interesting, unique hole-in-the-wall food joints don't have (or don't have clean) high chairs.
I use this product in my children's room to keep it fresh. My car has been smelling damp and stale after many trips to the beach this spring! I purchased this item to keep in my SUV and reduce the smell in the car. One tip of advice would be to not puncture the seal inside. I started to open it and then realized I was not supposed to break that seal, just toss the jug in your car or home and its ready to go!
I used this as a facial razor to get those pesky postmenopausal hairs taken care of, Bonus! The exfoliation that hapoens when I shave has given my skin new life. Really love these! I use it on my face and neck.
It seams like it would work for someone who just snores and has no other sinus issues, but for me my nose plugs up and i start gasping for air. It does comfortably hold your mouth shut while sleeping. It dose have a very strong plastic smell when its first opened up.
just got mine about 10 days ago and I like it so far......"MLB The Show" keeps me locked onto this system.......The new PS4 seems to be faster than the PS3..........
I just got it today(two day shipping with prime) and it has been amazing for my head cold. The past few nights I have been having poor sleep and an even harder time falling asleep. I had a stuffy nose, runny nose and coughing. Since I tried it this afternoon, I can breathe easily and my cough has improved a lot.
This stuff works! Tried to give it to my son through the dropper the first time & he didn't like the taste AT ALL. So now we mix it in his bottle as needed. It has worked within a day (two doses) every time we've needed it.