www.taverhampartnership.co.uk Review:
The Taverham Partnership - Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information and much more - The Taverham Partnership Sandy Lane,Taverham,Norwich NR8 6JR, Information about the doctors surgery opening hours, appointments, online prescriptions, health information and much more
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When I got word from my doctor that my cholesterol was on the high side, and she wanted to immediately put me on Simvastatin, I told her that, at the age of 52, I was too young to start taking pills for the rest of my life. She told me, "Ok. Lose weight with diet and exercise, and we'll see about taking you off. In the meantime, take them for 60 days, and take another blood test after you bring your cholesterol down to normal levels." That was enough to motivate me to change my life.
We buy smaller bottles from our stylist but she stopped carrying these larger bottles. There are 3 women in my house who use it - we need a big bottle! Remarkably, this works on all hair types. Two of us have frizzy hair, and the oil controls that. One of us has straight hair, and it just gives her hair shine and control. One of us flat irons her hair, and the oil protects her hair. I used to use more expensive products but the last time I tried to it really dried my hair out! This product protects and hydrates your hair, giving it shine and control. It seems magical, and too good to be true, right? I was skeptical about trying it too, but I'm so glad I did!
You'd think that for a wand that costs over a hundred smackers that it would have all the bells and whistles. The temperature is 410 with no other options. You don't need temperatures any where near that hot to curl most hair types so variable heat should have been included on this wand. It should also have a ready light indicator. It curls nicely, but I'd imagine any product with the same shape could do so.