www.whogis.com Review:

WHO | World Health Organization - WHO’s primary role is to direct international health within the United Nations' system and to lead partners in global health responses.

  • http://www.whogis.com/entity/gho/en/ WHO | Global Health Observatory (GHO) data - The Global Health Observatory (GHO) is WHO's gateway to health-related statistics for more than 1000 indicators for its 194 Member States. Data are organized to monitor progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including health status indicators to monitor progress towards for the overall health goal, indicators to track equity in health indicators, and the indicators for the specific health and health-related targets of the SDGs.
  • http://www.whogis.com/publications/en/ WHO | Publications - WHO publications page with links to the library, bookshop and flagship publications.
  • http://www.whogis.com/governance/en/ WHO | WHO's Governing Bodies - Information about the Governing Bodies of WHO, including the World Health Assembly, and the Executive Board. Also includes information about awards and fellowships awarded by the Organization.
  • http://www.whogis.com/../ar/index.html منظمة الصحة العالمية | منظمة الصحة العالمية - منظمة الصحة العالمية هي السلطة التوجيهية والتنسيقية ضمن منظومة الأمم المتحدة فيما يخص المجال الصحي.
  • http://www.whogis.com/../zh/index.html 世界卫生组织 | 世界卫生组织 - 世卫组织是联合国系统内卫生问题的指导和协调机构。它负责拟定全球卫生研究议程,制定规范和标准,向各国提供技术支持,以及监测和评估卫生趋势。
  • http://www.whogis.com/../fr/index.html OMS | Organisation mondiale de la Santé - L’OMS est l’autorité directrice dans le domaine de la santé des travaux ayant un caractère international au sein du système des Nations Unies.
  • http://www.whogis.com/../ru/index.html ВОЗ | Всемирная организация здравоохранения - ВОЗ является направляющей и координирующей инстанцией в области здравоохранения в рамках системы ООН. Она играет ведущую роль при решении проблем глобального здравоохранения.
  • http://www.whogis.com/../es/index.html OMS | Organización Mundial de la Salud - La OMS es la autoridad directiva y coordinadora de la acción sanitaria en el sistema de las Naciones Unidas.
  • http://www.whogis.com/entity/mediacentre/news/releases/2016/hepatitis-c-medicines/en/index.html WHO | Over 1 million treated with highly effective hepatitis C medicines - The new medicines have a cure rate of over 95%, fewer side effects than previously available therapies, and can completely cure the disease within three months. But at an initial estimated price of some US$85 000 they were unaffordable even in high-income countries.
  • http://www.whogis.com/features/2016/lifesaving-supplies-haiti/en/index.html WHO | From a warehouse in Dubai to a hospital in Haiti: a journey of lifesaving supplies - WHO has sent urgently needed medical supplies and medicines to Haiti to combat cholera, malaria and other diseases in communities struck by Hurricane Matthew. This photo story traces the journey of these supplies from WHO’s warehouse in Dubai all the way to the Hôpital Immaculée Conception in Les Cayes where they are being used to treat people in the hospital’s cholera treatment centre and emergency clinic.
  • http://www.whogis.com/entity/ipcs/lead_campaign/en/index.html WHO | International lead poisoning prevention week of action - This is an opportunity to mobilize political and social commitment for further progress.
  • http://www.whogis.com/features/2016/early-warning-nigeria/en/index.html WHO | Early warnings on disease outbreaks help guide WHO’s response in north eastern Nigeria - WHO has rapidly expanded and strengthened disease detection and response in support of the Government of Nigeria’s response to the humanitarian crisis in north eastern Nigeria, where 3.7 million people are in need of health assistance.
  • http://www.whogis.com/entity/phe/publications/urban-health/en/index.html WHO | Health as the pulse of the new urban agenda - This report considers how to integrate healthinto urban planning, investments, and policydecisions, so as to support the implementationand achievement of the goals and objectives ofthe New Urban Agenda.
  • http://www.whogis.com/entity/mediacentre/news/releases/2016/tuberculosis-investments-short/en/index.html WHO | WHO report warns global actions and investments to end tuberculosis epidemic are falling far short - New data published by WHO in its 2016 "Global Tuberculosis Report" show that countries need to move much faster to prevent, detect, and treat the disease if they are to meet global targets.
  • http://www.whogis.com/entity/tb/publications/global_report/en/index.html WHO | Global tuberculosis report 2016 - Tuberculosis (TB): The global report on tuberculosis provides a comprehensive assessment of the tuberculosis epidemic and progress in implementing and financing prevention, care and control.

    Country:, Europe, CH

    City: 6.1436 Geneva, Switzerland

  • kyle san clemente - Too Short

    It was too small for most pillows. Every pillow I tried stuck out and inch or two past the opening. Other than that it's a nice pillow case

  • Bob Burns - i am amazed at what cellfood did for me ...

    this story is so crazy i don't believe it myself, yet it is true. i had torso pain for 26 years that was auto-immune related (immune system attacks cells on rib cage, similar to some forms of arthritis). then, someone on the internet suggested cellfood, which is an anti-oxidant vitamin that reduces the load on the immune system. "immune load" is the amount of stuff it is fighting. Reducing load causes it's sensitivity to drop. "immune sensitivity" is how likely it is that it will attack something. In other words, thiscellfood helps with auto-immune problems (immune system attacking something you don't want it to attack). i figured there was a 1 in a million chance this cellfood would be helpful (i am a skeptic). so it tried it and the pain went away within 5 days. if you have a goofy problem, i suggest you take cellfood for several weeks and if you don't see dramatic improvement, discontinue use. to see experiences others have had, view the other reviews at amazon.

  • mother of two - Needs footnotes

    I love this bible but wish that it had the footnotes on the bottom of the page. Only drawback that I see.

  • Jeff - In Your Eyes --- different live version

    I thought this was the version seen on YouTube performed in 1988 don't where the location. Oh Well...

  • William - Pretty good cross trainer or casual shoe

    5 star for looks and 3 for performance so I'll give them a 4. Shoes look great and they are good for cross training but I would not recommend for running. If you are the novice runner then they will probably do the trick but you won't normally see most serious runners wearing Nike's. I don't consider myself a runner by any means but during the couple miles I do run after a workout these were giving me shin splints. They've become my casual shoe and look great in jeans.